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Working With our Students 

As teachers we support children to make choices which ensure they are successful inside and outside the classroom. In order to promote appropriate behaviour there are 3 critical factors to look at.

1. Have we built a relationship with the child and do we really know them and how they learn?

2. In working with our students are we looking for the positive in every student at every opportunity?

3. How do we set up the environment to connect learning?

We have a set of school values that guide students on what acceptable behaviour looks, sounds and feels like at our school -The Whangaparaoa Way - ORCA.

When behaviours are present that are inappropriate, we work with the child to ensure the best outcome for them in the future.  It is important that they are empowered to be part of the solution, and do not see this as a process that is ‘done to them’.

Staff at our school recognise that every set of circumstances is unique. We therefore believe in listening to and appreciating different points of view. When we have all the information we make an informed decision and a plan to help things move forward for all involved.


In general, here are some of the procedures we follow:

Minor Behavioural Incidents

Identify unacceptable behaviour

Teacher works with student to reflect on the Whangaparaoa Primary School values, not demonstrated through their actions.

Discuss the consequences of the behaviour choice with the child, for them and those around them.

Discuss what acceptable behaviour/ a better choice would look like in this situation.

Implement appropriate consequences as decided with the child.

Decide on whether the parents need to be informed or not.

Types of behaviour here might be :

  • talking while others are,

  • off task behaviour

  • distracting others from their learning or the teacher from teaching

Serious/Continual Behavioural Incidents

Identify unacceptable behaviour

Collect information – exactly what has happened? Where and when is this happening, how often is it happening, who is involved, time of day etc.

Work with student to reflect on the Whangaparaoa Primary School values not demonstrated through their actions.

Discuss consequences of the behaviour with the child, for them and those around them.

Discuss what acceptable behaviour would look like in this situation. Set a plan of what they can do differently, who can support them and what might this support look like.

Inform parents about what is happening.

Implement appropriate consequences ( decided on with the child.)

Support the child through continued supervision, and empower them to make changes while ensuring they are supported in doing so.

Types of behaviour here might be :

  • punching and kicking,

  • inappropriate language,

  • non-compliance

  • name calling

  • bullying

Guideline of steps 

  • Teacher and child (collect information and use this to create a plan to address concern, continue to collect data and review)

  • Involve Team Leader, parent, review plan, make any changes, give new plan time to work and continue to collect information

  • Record incidences on etap

  • Involve Leadership Group and look for support/ intervention

Please note - context, intent, recurrence are important in deciding whether serious or not.

When a child is abusive and the situation feels unsafe, the teacher can use the red card system for support from their Team Leader. If both teacher and Team Leader need further support send a message to the office to alert the Leadership Group via the phone or red card.

Red card system - teacher sends a student with the room numbered red card for assistance to team leader initially and then the office as next step.

Consequences for actions need to include the student. Here are some ideas.

  • Finishing work in their own time (in the evening, phone call precedes and parents agree). Note children are entitled to a break time and toilet stop. Bear in mind also that some children need the run around and for some this could be the one highlight in their day, so to stop this could create a bigger problem.

  • Apologising to others involved for their actions and/or working with other involved parties to make things right

  • Loss of privileges – sitting by friends, losing an area of the playground (zoned) during breaks. Need to be careful with this consequence - stopping sports/ music/ cultural/ computer involvement can be a consequence for others.

  • Removal from class friend (in class not with friends, in class by self, into another class)

  • Making a plan for their behaviour – contract or notebook system with positive focus to record and communicate with appropriate information

  • Communicating to parents about what has happened and the consequences of the actions within the day (students write letter or phone parents)

  • Community service to the school – e.g. not looking after property may result in some time looking after property

  • Stand down from school (can only be considered by management)

  • Choosing another school (exclusion/ suspension can only happen with BOT involvement)


  • At no stage in this process do we treat children in a demeaning way by shouting or losing our cool. We are the adults, and as such, must role model the school values and accepted behaviours.

  • In general, praise publicly and remonstrate privately, keeping a person’s mana in tact is paramount. Never humiliate a child and never back them into a corner so that they feel their only course of action is to come out hitting physically or with words.

  • It is imperative that if the issue is with a child in your class, you as the class teacher will be responsible for administering and following up any consequences or plans.

Last thing - the problem is the problem, the child (person) is NEVER the problem.

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