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TravelWise and Walking School Bus 
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We are a TravelWise School

Being TravelWise means we make wise travel choices to keep ourselves safe and healthy , and we think about our environment too. Less cars means less pollution and less congestion at our school gates - keeping us all safe and healthy. Travelwise ways to get to school include walking, biking, scootering, catching the bus, car pooling, or parking away from school and walking the rest of the way.            



Manly is a great safe place to walk to school, with plenty of footpaths and walkways connecting to the school. Please remember safety rules when walking - walk on the foot path, close to the houses and away from the road; look and listen carefully at driveways for cars coming in or out; always stop and check both ways before you cross the road; use pedestrian crossings where possible. We have some walking school buses operating at Whangaparaoa School. This is a safe, supervised way for children to walk to school, learning safety rules, and getting to know others along the way. Scroll down for our Walking School Bus details.



Biking and scootering is a fun way for primary aged children to get to school, as they can use the footpath. Again, safety rules should be followed - a helmet should be worn at all times when biking, scooting or skating; equipment should be in good working order and brakes checked regularly; share the footpath with others; look and listen carefully at driveways.


If students will be biking it is recommended that they have a good understanding of road safety rules first. Students under year 3 should be accompanied by parents if biking to school. Students must have a road-worthy bicycle and wear an approved cycle helmet. Bicycles are not to be ridden through the school grounds during school hours, except for on the bike tracks. This is for the safety of others in the school grounds.

We have a wonderful cycle track around the perimeter of our field, with ramps and a pump track for added challenge for those keen to try more. Families are welcome to use these facilities outside of school hours. Our asphalt cycle track is 530m long and is perfect for those learning to ride, as well as those wanting exercise by doing laps.


If you must come in a car, how about parking a bit further away and walking some of the way to school? You could park at Manly Beach and walk up Ladies Mile or through Manly Park; or you could park at Edith Hopper Park and use the pedestrian crossing to get to school. Being Travelwise helps our school to be safer, with less cars at the school gate. Drivers - please drive carefully and slowly around our school, and be considerate of other road users. As a Travelwise School we regularly have visits from parking wardens to ensure that we are keeping our children safe by parking in the correct places - away from driveways, pedestrian crossings, bus stops and ‘no parking’ areas.



Please Click this link for our current Walking School Bus Timetable and forms to fill in if you wish to join.


  • Who can join a walking school bus? Anyone is welcome :) You can drop your child off or walk with them.

  • Does it cost? No - it’s free.

  • How do I sign up? Please see the links on our website.


  • Safe and healthy way to get to school.

  • Children learn and practice road safety.

  • Get to know others in the community.

  • Exercise for parent helpers - a great way to start your morning walk - drop the kids at school and carry on.

  • Cutting down on pollution with less car trips.

  • Great for the kids, great for the community, great for the environment.

If you would like to start up another walking school bus with families from your community, please get in touch with Mrs Thompson. We used to have buses from Arkles, Glengarry / Onepu, Manly Park Ave /The Circle, Polkinghorne, Little Manly... all it takes is an interested parent or two, and you can help your children learn road safety and give them the chance to walk to school with friends.

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